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It can be difficult to pay thousands of dollars for a contractor website. Get your website now and pay a small monthly fee.

Monthly Instead of Large Upfront Cost

Home Improvement and Contractors, get started right away!

Subscription Website Vs One time Build – Why it Matters

Why should you do a subscription website Program?

Your website is an important part of your business, like a key employee doing an important job. Would you leave a member of your team completly unattended for months or even years?

When done right your website can become one of the most valuable members of your team. It can be used to share information, answer commonly asked questions, let people know more about your company and find new clients. When I first started out in web design some of my first projects were up front one time payments. The client paid me an agreed upon amount and I completed the website build. When I was done I gave the client the passwords indexed the site with the search engines and that was the end of our relationship. Sounds simple enough right? So what is the problem?

A website left unattended can quickly loose favor with the search engines for several different reasons. Basic updates need to be made, sites can get hacked or linked to inappropriate content and over time competitors can and will out do you. The point is, even if your website is number 1 for all the searches you want it to be the job of managing a website and SEO will never be over. There is a saying in the SEO community that sums it up nicely. SEO IS DONE WHEN GOOGLE STOPS MAKING CHANGES AND ALL YOUR COMPETITION IS DEAD!

Looking for an affordable contractor website? Look no further! At Websites for Contractors, we offer subscription plans that allow you to get your website now without the large upfront cost. With our monthly subscription, you’ll have someone dedicated to managing your website, making updates, and ensuring its security. Our custom website build will showcase your unique business and include content and photos that represent your company. We’ll even provide a custom email account that matches your domain, giving your business a professional and secure image. Don’t let your competition get ahead – schedule a consultation with us today and let us help you build a profitable online presence!

What is included in the monthly website subscription?

Here is what is included in a website subscription plan. Some services may be modified depending on your needs as we build our relationship with your company. Website design and maintenance isnt a one size fits all service if you are doing it right, but this is where we start.



•Custom Website Build:

We will develop a custom layout that is a good represesantation of your company. Your website will be unique to your business and include any content or photos you send us. We also can use stock photos and write content for you and then replace it as you put things together. We will start with three to 5 pages and add from there as needed. 

•Maintence and Security:

It is important to keep an eye on your website to protect it from hacking and maintain security. We regularly check on your site to be sure it is up and running so your clients can find you. If there are any problems we will take care of them quickly to get things back on track as soon as possible.

•Custom Email Account:

We will set you up with your own custom email that matches your domain. A custom email looks more professional and is more secure than the other options. Use on business cards and to stay in contact with clients and potential clients. 

•Websites Updates:

The most successful websites are updated and added to regularly. When you do a new project you are proud of it should go on the website. If a customer gives you a good review it should go on the website. If you have new specials, deals or offers for your customers? Guess what? Yup, it should go on the website. Paying a designer to add content every single time you need somthing can become expensive. With our monthly subscription we can dedicate some time to make updates to your website every month.


•Local Search Optimization:

No matter how great your website looks, how good the writing or pictures are, it won’t get you new clients if no one can find it. Good SEO starts from the ground up. When building your website we implement strategy to help you rank over time in the location your primarily work in. We can cover one city and the surrounding areas. What if you need to cover a wider area? No problem, we have upgrades and multiple location programs available. Schedule a consultation to talk about it and see if we can meet your needs. 


•Consulting and Education:

The world of marketing online is ever changing. We are hear to answer questions about anything that has to do with internet marketing, online promotion and presense or anything relevant to your business as it pertains to the internet. We also explain what we are doing, what needs to be done, and how you can help us  achieve a successful online presence for your company. 


I build websites for all types of contractors. Don’t let your competition get all the work!

  • General Contractors
  • Electrical Contractors
  • Plumbing Services
  • Septic Services
  • Pool Contractors
  • Residential Flooring Contractors
  • Commercial Flooring Contractors
  • Hardwood Flooring
  • Epoxy and Stone
  • Windows and Doors
  • Roofing Contactors
  • Landscaping Services
  • Cement  Contractors
  • Painting Contractors
  • Kitchen and Bathroom

E-Commerce and Other Special Projects

What if I have need an extensive website, large project of need to cover multiple locations?

Most contractors and home improvement companies can get their online needs met with our monthly subscription plan. However, their might be instances where a project may not fit into the scope of our monthly services. If you have a website that needs 20+ pages or specific paramotors that require more work, an e-commerce site where you are selling products directly through the site or need to cover a large area or several cities you may require a custom program.